Many of you wanted healthy recipes, so I will start sharing some of the recipes that I make that have helped me lose weight.
Thanks to Covid and my absolute love of baking, I've gained quite a bit that I resolved to lose. I have lost weight in the past after both my kids and understand what works for my body - will share specifics in an upcoming post. But, one thing I will share is that a low carb diet works wonders for me.
Going forward, any of my healthy (fit) recipes, I will include the calories and net carbs per serving for you to track!
So here is one of my favorite recipes - prepared in under 30 minutes: a flavorful thai chicken red curry with garlic & egg fried (cauli) rice!
Total calories per serving: 447
Total net carbs per serving: 14g
Given this is under 500 calories and under 15g net carbs, it's a great meal!
I followed the recipe below and made a few tweaks:
Only 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
Omitted the sweet chilli sauce
No zucchini and only half a red bell pepper
Chicken thighs instead of breast
Only 1/2 tablespoon of cornstarch
To make the fried rice:
1. Sautée garlic in a wok with olive oil.
2. Once it turns a light brown, removed the garlic (straining it) and leaving the garlic flavored oil in the wok
3. Add a packet of the steamed cauliflower rice. Let this sautee/fry on medium high heat until the moisture evaporated - about 4-6 minutes. Add salt according to taste.
4. Once moisture evaporates, add the garlic and continue to Sautee
5. Move the cauli fried rice to the side, and break an egg. Let it scramble, add a pinch of salt and then incorporate into the fried rice.
That's it! In under 30 minutes, you have a meal that's flavorful, delicious and guilt free! (I gave it with the cauliflower rice to my 10 year old and rice to my toddler - they both loved it!)
Hope this helps you with your meal planning!
#desimom #flavorfulrecipes #quickmeals #quickhealthymeals #lowcarb #keto #thaiketo #thailowcarb #thaifood #fitme #healthyrecipes #trackyourfood #dashofpyaar #loveisthemainingredient #cauliflowerrice #caulirice #redcurry #thairedcurry